Writing of CSV file using events
This examples shows how a CSV file can be written using events. An event is fired just before each heading or field value is written - enabling its value to be set. Events are also fired at the start and finish of each heading line and record.
When using events, it is often easier to identify a field by an integer instead of its field name as this allows a switch statement to be used. Each field in the Meta has an attribute called “Id” which allows a field to be indentified by an integer. This example uses a variation of the Basic Example Meta File which also specifies an Id for each field.
"Pet Name","Age","Color","Date Received","Price","Needs Walking","Type"
Rover,4.5,Brown,12 Feb 2004,80,True,Dog
Charlie,,Gold,5 Apr 2007,12.3,False,Fish
Console Application.
The Session class illustrates how events are used.
using System;
using Xilytix.FieldedText;
namespace Write_Events
public class Session
// Name of file containing Meta
const string MetaFileName = "BasicExampleMeta.ftm";
// Name of file to be written
const string CsvFileName = "BasicExample.csv";
// Define Field Ids
const int PetNameFieldId = 1;
const int AgeFieldId = 2;
const int ColorFieldId = 3;
const int DateReceivedFieldId = 4;
const int PriceFieldId = 5;
const int NeedsWalkingFieldId = 6;
const int TypeFieldId = 7;
bool finished;
public void Main()
// Create Meta from file
FtMeta meta = FtMetaSerializer.Deserialize(MetaFileName);
finished = false;
// Create Writer
using (FtWriter writer = new FtWriter(meta, CsvFileName))
writer.FieldHeadingWriteReady += HandleFieldHeadingWriteReady;
writer.FieldValueWriteReady += HandleFieldValueWriteReady;
writer.RecordFinished += HandleRecordFinished;
while (!finished)
// loop until finished flag is set
private string CalculateHeading(int fieldId, int lineIndex)
switch (fieldId)
case PetNameFieldId: return (lineIndex == 0) ? "Pet Name" : "";
case AgeFieldId: return (lineIndex == 0) ? "Age" : "(Years)";
case ColorFieldId: return (lineIndex == 0) ? "Color" : "";
case DateReceivedFieldId: return (lineIndex == 0) ? "Date Received" : "";
case PriceFieldId: return (lineIndex == 0) ? "Price" : "(Dollars)";
case NeedsWalkingFieldId: return (lineIndex == 0) ? "Needs Walking" : "";
case TypeFieldId: return (lineIndex == 0) ? "Type" : "";
default: return "";
private object CalculateValue(int fieldId, int recordIndex)
switch (fieldId)
case PetNameFieldId: return (recordIndex == 0) ? "Rover" : "Charlie";
case AgeFieldId: return (recordIndex == 0) ? (object)4.5 : null;
case ColorFieldId: return (recordIndex == 0) ? "Brown" : "Gold";
case DateReceivedFieldId: return (recordIndex == 0) ?
(object)new DateTime(2004, 2, 12) : new DateTime(2007, 4, 5);
case PriceFieldId: return (recordIndex == 0) ? (object)80M : 12.3M;
case NeedsWalkingFieldId: return (recordIndex == 0) ? (object)true : false;
case TypeFieldId: return (recordIndex == 0) ? "Dog" : "Fish";
default: return "";
private void HandleFieldHeadingWriteReady(object sender, FtFieldHeadingReadyEventArgs e)
FtField field = e.Field;
int lineIndex = e.LineIndex;
field.Headings[lineIndex] = CalculateHeading(field.Id, lineIndex);
private void HandleFieldValueWriteReady(object sender, FtFieldValueReadyEventArgs e)
FtField field = e.Field;
int recordIndex = e.RecordIndex;
field.AsObject = CalculateValue(field.Id, recordIndex);
private void HandleRecordFinished(object sender, FtRecordFinishedEventArgs e)
if (e.RecordIndex >= 1)
finished = true;