Paul Klink

A little bit about me

Paul Klink

Paul Klink

A little bit about me

Writing of CSV file with headings

This examples shows how a CSV file can be written with headings. It uses the Basic Example Meta File.

CSV File

The CSV File to be written is:

"Pet Name","Age","Color","Date Received","Price","Needs Walking","Type"
Rover,4.5,Brown,12 Feb 2004,80,True,Dog
Charlie,,Gold,5 Apr 2007,12.3,False,Fish

Console Application

using System;
using Xilytix.FieldedText;

namespace Write_Headings
    class Program
        // Simple Example of using FtWriter to write a CSV file with
        // headings.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Name of file containing Meta
            const string MetaFileName = "BasicExampleMeta.ftm";
            // Name of file to be written
            const string CsvFileName = "BasicExample.csv";

            // Define FieldNames
            const string PetNameFieldName = "PetName";
            const string AgeFieldName = "Age";
            const string ColorFieldName = "Color";
            const string DateReceivedFieldName = "DateReceived";
            const string PriceFieldName = "Price";
            const string NeedsWalkingFieldName = "NeedsWalking";
            const string TypeFieldName = "Type";

            // Create Meta from file
            FtMeta meta = FtMetaSerializer.Deserialize(MetaFileName);

            // Create Writer
            using (FtWriter writer = new FtWriter(meta, CsvFileName))
                FtStringField petNameField =
                    writer.FieldList[PetNameFieldName] as FtStringField;
                FtFloatField ageField =
                    writer.FieldList[AgeFieldName] as FtFloatField;
                FtStringField colorField =
                    writer.FieldList[ColorFieldName] as FtStringField;
                FtDateTimeField dateReceivedField =
                    writer.FieldList[DateReceivedFieldName] as FtDateTimeField;
                FtDecimalField priceField =
                    writer.FieldList[PriceFieldName] as FtDecimalField;
                FtBooleanField needsWalkingField =
                    writer.FieldList[NeedsWalkingFieldName] as FtBooleanField;
                FtStringField typeField =
                    writer.FieldList[TypeFieldName] as FtStringField;

                // set headings before writing first record
                petNameField.Headings[0] = "Pet Name";
                ageField.Headings[0] = "Age";
                ageField.Headings[1] = "(Years)";
                colorField.Headings[0] = "Color";
                dateReceivedField.Headings[0] = "Date Received";
                priceField.Headings[0] = "Price";
                priceField.Headings[1] = "(Dollars)";
                needsWalkingField.Headings[0] = "Needs Walking";
                typeField.Headings[0] = "Type";

                // Write 1st Record
                // This will write header (including heading lines)
                writer[PetNameFieldName] = "Rover";
                writer[AgeFieldName] = 4.5;
                writer[ColorFieldName] = "Brown";
                writer[DateReceivedFieldName] = new DateTime(2004, 2, 12);
                writer[PriceFieldName] = 80M;
                writer[NeedsWalkingFieldName] = true;
                writer[TypeFieldName] = "Dog";


                // Write 2nd Record
                writer[PetNameFieldName] = "Charlie";
                writer[AgeFieldName] = null;
                writer[ColorFieldName] = "Gold";
                writer[DateReceivedFieldName] = new DateTime(2007, 4, 5);
                writer[PriceFieldName] = 12.3M;
                writer[NeedsWalkingFieldName] = false;
                writer[TypeFieldName] = "Fish";
